Calling ALL USD campus orgs and community orgs in the SD region: Support USD NTT Faculty who are forming a union! Sign on to the community support letter and submit your organization’s logo!

NTT Faculty at USD are forming a union with SEIU Local 721. Only with a union can we build the power we need to gain the rights and protections we deserve.

We’re calling on all USD campus orgs and community groups in the San Diego region to sign on to our community support letter (see the full letter here), and submit a logo that we’ll use to highlight our supporters on our website and in other materials.

Yes, my organization supports NTT Faculty's community support letter and calls on USD’s administration to respect NTT Faculty rights, refrain from interference or retaliation for faculty’s protected labor activity, and to agree to recognize the NTT Faculty union via a card check process or, in the alternative, via a stipulated NLRB mail-ballot election.(Required)

Organization Representative Info

If you are filling out this form on behalf of your campus or community organization, please add your details below.
Org Representative Name(Required)
Max. file size: 512 MB.
Please submit a high-resolution image of your organization's logo below! Maximum file size is 500 mb.