September October 2019

Unions For All Comes to Los Angeles

It’s time for Unions For All. As we go to press, SEIU 721 is gearing up to welcome our brothers and sisters from across the country to the Unions for All Summit in Los Angeles.

August September 2019

Unions For All!

The historic 1,000-mile caravan of Uber and Lyft drivers from Los Angeles to Delano, the birthplace of the United Farm Workers, to Sacramento is a powerful demonstration of why we need Unions For All in America.

July August 2019

LA Gets A Raise!

On July 1, LA County residents got a raise. Los Angeles County increased the minimum wage to $14.25 an hour — the third in a series of four scheduled increases that will raise the minimum wage in one of the nation’s largest counties to $15 by 2020.

May June 2019

How We Fix the Gig Economy

On May 23, more than 100 LA rideshare drivers shut down an Uber hub to protest low pay and poor working conditions before joining striking fast-food workers to disable the drive-through of an Arlington Heights McDonald’s by repeatedly ordering “fair wages” on the microphone.

April May 2019

Winning the Fight for the California Dream

Winning the Fight for the California Dream
As president of SEIU Local 721, I have the honor of
representing some of the most courageous, resourceful
and committed workers in California.
I am writing to share that, on April 2, I was selected by
SEIU California’s Executive Board to serve as president of
the organization. SEIU California is composed of SEIU locals
representing more than 700,000 workers across the state…

July August 2018

721 Is Ready To Fight

If you want clear proof of why public employees need unions, just take a look at management’s initial proposals at the bargaining table in LA County:
• A wage proposal that doesn’t even come close to covering inflation in LA’s skyrocketing housing market.
• A freeze on employer payments for health care, despite spiraling health care costs.
• An attempt to roll back or eliminate Flex Earnings, the payments LA County workers receive to offset their share of increasingly costly health insurance.

June July 2018

We Choose Union

As Mark Twain once said, “rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated.” To listen to the Washington, D.C. pundits, he might as well have been talking about the American Labor Movement. To be sure, the Supreme Court’s misguided Janus decision is a severe blow to working people. But we’ve known for years that this day was coming, and we planned, prepared and organized.

May June 2018

Why We Need Unions

By the time you read this, the United States Supreme Court probably will have ruled in Janus v. AFSCME, a case that threatens decades of progress and precedent protecting workers’ rights to form and operate unions.

April May 2018

Not On Our Watch!

For decades, public sector workers in California have fought for a society that lifts everyone up. We’ve stood up — sometimes literally laying our bodies on the line — to say everyone deserves better. That we’re all equal and everyone deserves opportunity, freedom from hunger and access to health care.

February 2018

2018: The Road Ahead

Working people in America have been pushed to the edge. In the public sector, we’re fighting to keep our communities healthy and safe with declining resources and rising demands.

At SEIU 721, we’ve built a powerful union that protects vital public services and the workers who provide them. It’s why ultra-conservative billionaires are trying to cripple organizations like ours with the “Right to Work” scam. It’s also why full union membership is must-have protection for your job, your rights in the workplace and the quality of life in your community.