Jail time for Self-Defense, WTF?

COUNTY’S Riverside Health System says one thing on self-defense — County lawmakers say another. Moreno Valley, CA — Chalk up another blunder in the long list of mismanagement for the County of Riverside. In the most County of Riverside move ever, managers at the County’s Riverside University Health System (RUHS) … Read More

Anti-worker. Anti-union. Pro-corporation. Pro-1%. Gorsuch is wrong for the Supreme Court, and wrong for America!

Donald Trump attacked us when he nominated Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

In the words of SEIU International President, Mary Kay Henry, “this is a step backwards for every American who wants a good job, the opportunity for a better life for their family, and a real voice in our economy and democracy.”

If Gorsuch is confirmed, the Supreme Court will rule against the communities we serve by gutting the public sector, silencing worker voice, and doing away with collective bargaining.

Click here to tell Senators Diane Feinstein and Kamala Harris to stop Gorsuch!

WE DID IT: Workplace Violence Standard Adopted!

On October 20, the Cal/OSHA Standard Board unanimously voted to adopt the first workplace violence prevention standard for healthcare workers in California! Our hope is that this Standard will be used as a template at the national level. All of us are passionate about the work we do and the care we provide to patients, clients, and their families — but workplace safety is crucial, especially given our field of work.