
100% of LHMWD Unit Stands Behind SEIU Bargaining Team Goals

 SEIU_721_LHMWD_petition_board_500px.jpgMike Booth, water operator and SEIU 721 chief negotiator for the Lake Hemet Municipal Water District bargaining team, presented petitions signed by 100% of the unit to the LHMWD Board on Thursday, June 21, 2012.
Acknowledging that the Board could not publicly speak on current negotiations, Booth encouraged each member to look at the petitions and to consider the member’s concerns in their closed door session.
The petition reads as follows:LHMWD_petition_detail_web.jpg

We the undersigned, employees of Lake Hemet Municipal Water District,
support our
SEIU 721 bargaining team and respectfully demand the Board of Directors acknowledge the hard work and sacrifices of LHMWD workers by treating us with respect with an equitable contract that provides for fair wages and no takeaways to benefits including sick leave.”
Next Steps
Negotiations are continuing Tuesday, June 26.
The current contract expires on June 30, 2012.