Judge Sides With Riverside Workers, Delays Imposition Vote

Riverside County Strong
SEIU 721 Fights On! Throughout the Riverside County contract "bargaining" process, the County has tried its best to impose an unacceptable (seriously, they're trying to charge us for parking) "last, best and final" contract on us - piling up 34 unfair labor practice charges in the process Read More...

Riverside County Contract Update HQ

We Have A Tentative Agreement With Riverside County! After more than three years of worker actions, almost 40 ULPs, a 2-day strike, and numerous negotiation sessions your bargaining committee is pleased to announce Read More...

2018 Primary Endorsements – Inland Region

Over the past months, SEIU members across the state have conducted a transparent, democratic process, interviewing dozens of candidates for statewide offices. SEIU 721 members have been a part of that process, and have also endorsed candidates for local offices who support Read More...

Top 5 Items the County of Riverside Wants To Impose On You

From their actions, it seems that County of Riverside negotiators never had any legit intention to bargain in good-faith with frontline workers. It wasn’t even a year into “negotiations” when the County submitted their “last best” and final offer which was quickly followed up with a Read More...