Congratulations Thousand Oaks – We Did It!

With a 98% YES vote City of Thousand Oaks members won a strong two year contract which includes wage increases and health/cafeteria gains. Through your unity and participation your bargaining team was able to win a contract that secures vital services for Thousand Oaks and provides solid gains that help … Read More

Your Citizenship, Your Voice, Your Resistance

The right to vote is one of the most fundamental rights in our country. By taking your vote to the ballot box you can stand up to the current administration’s attacks on working families, on our healthcare and in defense of those with different immigration status. On July 30th, join … Read More

Conejo Recreation and Park District Bargaining Team Delivers with TA

We did it! Our Conejo Recreation and Park District bargaining team reached a Tentative Agreement on a strong two-year contract that strengthens our District.

5% salary increases over the term of the contract
We held strong on the Cafeteria Plan and Basic Needs Allowance

Simi Valley Members Fight for Community Services

SEIU Local 721 Chapter Board. (Left to right) Eric Molina Ramona Mejia, Matt Booth, Nancy Fisher, Steve Perez, Vivienne DeLuca.

When we stay united we can accomplish great things for our workplaces and for our community.

Your SEIU 721 bargaining team met with City negotiators on Wednesday, May 17th. Our team presented proposals that will protect key community services, strengthen our union rights, and secure a strong future for ourselves and our families.

REPRESENTATIONAL WIN OF THE MONTH 721 Tri-Counties Delivers Retro Pay to Ventura County Worker

As an SEIU member, you’re part of a family that can’t be ignored when we raise our collective voice. When our union comes together to address the problems of individual members, we can move mountains.

When one of Kenneth Milton’s co-workers in the County of Ventura’s General Services Agency got hurt, Kenneth was assigned to fill in and perform his co-worker’s tile-setting duties. The out-of-class fill-in assignment that was supposed to last days, turned into months.

100 Days of Corporate Giveaways

President Trump’s first 100 days in office have shocked America. During his campaign, Russian intelligence operatives reportedly manipulated Donald Trump’s lack of knowledge and experience to further their nation’s policy objectives. Now, some of the country’s biggest corporations and their lobbyists are exploiting the same weaknesses to roll back laws and regulations they don’t like, cut their own taxes and, in some cases, use the Office of the President to enrich themselves — all at the expense of ordinary working people and taxpayers.

SEIU Local 721 President’s Report for April 2017


In accordance with our SEIU Local 721 by-laws, it is my honor as your President, to submit this report to you on our Union’s activities. To read the full report, please use this link.

100 Days of Corporate GIVEAWAYS

President Trump’s first 100 days in office have shocked America. During his campaign, Russian intelligence operatives reportedly manipulated Donald Trump’s lack of knowledge and experience to further their nation’s policy objectives. Now, some of the country’s biggest corporations and their lobbyists are exploiting the same weaknesses to roll back laws and regulations they don’t like, cut their own taxes and, in some cases, use the Office of the President to enrich themselves — all at the expense of ordinary working people and taxpayers.

SEIU Members Tell Rep. Knight “Your Votes Are Killing Us”

U.S. Congressman Steve Knight joined every other GOP congressperson in
California today to vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and put 24 million Americans lives in jeopardy.

SEIU members, community and advocacy groups went to Rep. Knight’s office in Santa Clarita, California to tell him that it is both immoral and unjust to tear away at our nation’s healthcare safety net in order to provide hefty tax cuts for the rich.