No union reps at LA County’s LAC+USC? NO WAY, we say!

It’s unbelievable but here we are. After being the backbone of LA County’s healthcare response during the pandemic, management is rewarding us by trying to ban our union representatives from being on county premises. Their first target: The LAC+USC Medical Center. "It’s outrageous Read More...

Women are the 💜 of LA County

It is International Women’s Day, a perfect time to reflect on just how much we rely on women’s labor, especially in the LA County workforce. Traditionally – and it’s a fact that still holds true – women have Read More...

SEIU 721 Officers Election Notice 2022

Ballots and accompanying instructions will be mailed to all eligible members in good standing on March 25th, 2022.  All ballots must be returned by mail in the provided business reply envelope Read More...

LGBT Center 2021 Ratification Vote HQ

It's time to vote on our historic Tentative Agreement at the Los Angeles LGBT Center. The proposed agreement, includes an average 30% wage increase over the contract, boosts to premium pay, improvements to contract language & more. Your elected bargaining team recommends a YES vote! VOTING Read More...