Cesar Chavez: A Champion for Change

One of our greatest social activists and labor leaders is Cesar Chavez, who after leaving school in the 8th grade to work in the California fields with his family, went on to lead the charge for rights for millions of Read More...

‘The Union Difference’ makes all the difference at LAC+USC!

BU 729 members now can use vacation time for sick time … no permission necessary! When management at the LAC+USC Medical Center denied employees the right to use vacation time for sick time, SEIU Local 721 members stood up for our rights at the workplace! We filed a “Grievance – Read More...

E-Board Elections to Be Held for LA County and LA City Seats

SEIU Local 721 President Bob Schoonover announced today that elections will be held to fill two vacant seats on the union’s Executive Board – one representing LA County and another for the City of Los Angeles. “These two open seats are great opportunities for members Read More...

The High Cost of Freeloaders

There's one in every group. You know the one: Everyone goes out to eat. Everyone orders. Everyone eats. Everyone pulls out their method of payment, well, everyone except that friend who conveniently left their wallet at home (again) and offers empty promises to “chip in next Read More...

Our Voice and Our Resistance at the Oxnard Citizenship Fair

Supporting the Oxnard Citizenship Fair
Led by SEIU 721 members, CAUSE, and other community groups, over 100 participants and volunteers filled the Oxnard Performing Arts Center for our July 30th Citizenship Fair. Dozens of legal permanent residents are now on a path to U.S. citizenship after filling out their N-400 forms with the Read More...

Together We Rise on July 22nd

"If someone tried to deprive you of your rights, you've got to resist it. You've got to resent it. You've got to fight against it." -A. Phillip Randolph SEIU Local 721 members are gearing up for Read More...